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A wonderful Discovery

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Yesterday Sue Gattuso, Secretary to The Friends, accompanied by Delna Barratt of King’s Lynn, a former trustee who worked with Bob Davey throughout and beyond the restoration of the church were handed a box containing Bob’s projector, a cassette of slides and a sheaf of notes which had found their way to the Norfolk Hospice – Tapping House in King’s Lynn.  Handing over the box was Sally Chandler, regional retail manager for the Hospice.  How it arrived there – over two years ago – is a mystery and no amount of asking has so far solved it. It was only by reading the notes that Sally and her colleague Kate Bambridge, the Hospice ebay manager, realised that they may be of some archival importance. They then contacted St Mary’s and offered to donate the box the church.

“This is a wonderful discovery” said Sue “We knew they had to be somewhere but had no idea where to even start looking for them. However good we guides may be at talking about the restoration of this tiny, remote but beautiful church, to be able to refer to images taken, and the notes Bob wrote at the time can only enhance the story. We also now have better images of parts of the restoration story for which we have only had poor photos and have never been able to display.  We are incredibly grateful to The Norfolk Hospice - not only for realising what they had in their hands - but also for so generously donating them to us.”

“During lockdowns, even with the church closed, people have visited the church – just to be in the garden and enjoy the quietness and sense of sanctuary there. We can’t wait to open up again and welcome everyone”

To find out more about The Norfolk Hospice visit their website www.norfolkhospice.org.uk

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